
Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 1 session / week, 1 hour / session
          1. Print the following handouts and make one copy for each student.
          2. Decide whether students will use print or online sources for the photos that they will describe. If they will be using an online source, bookmark the photo sites listed under Websites or other sites that you deem appropriate on students' computers and make sure you have enough ink and paper for the printers.
            This class is about descriptions of characters, places and things ; learn new vocabulary words that allow for more precise descriptions, and practice using online tools. This class is for learning  and practicing how to describe people, place and object in general.
           Readings are assigned from lecture notes, selections from other books, and other handouts.
Course Contents
Week 1: Adjectives
Week 2: Describing people
                Activity 1: Valentine’s Day poem
                Activity 2: What Are Adjectives?
                Activity 3: Exercise
                Activity 4: Role-play
                Activity 5: Listen to Song
Week 3: Describing People (Cont.)
                Activity 1: Describing Body Size, Eyes and Hair
                Activity 2: Listening-skills-practice
Week 4: Describing Place
                Activity 1: Reading Comprehension
                Activity 2: The Room
                Activity 3: Area of a large town
Week 5: Describing Things
                Activity 1:  The Example for Descriptions
                Activity 2:  Describe It!
                Activity 3:  Guess It!
Assignments: 80%
Final 20%                           
Total 100
90-100 A
85-89     B+
80-84 B
75-79 C+
70-74 C
60-69 D+
50-59 D  
          Computers with Internet access and printing capability

